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Designing Design (Research) 3 :

The Inter-disciplinary Quandary.

Host: Department of Design & Communication
Faculty of Art & Design ,
De Montfort University, Leicester.

13 February.2002.

Inter-disciplinary design and research has its own opportunities and complexities compared to that of a single discipline. The organisation of people and funding are more complicated and there are often confusions as to what are inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary teams. In this event several people were brought together with the purpose of discussing and clarifying some issues. The event will be useful to all who are interested in designing outside the boundaries of individual design disciplines from undergraduate students to researchers, and especially those from product design, 4D design, multimedia design, design management and communication.

Click below for Presentations and Media.


Event conceived and designed by Alec Robertson.
Event organised with collabroation from
De Montfort University & the Design Research Society.

General enquiries regarding this event to alec.robertson (at) 4d-dynamics.net