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Designing Design Research 2 :

The Design Research Publication

DDR2 photo photo photo photo photo photo photo
SPEAKERS Alec Robertson Dr Tom Cassidy Prof. Nigel Cross Prof. Martin Woolley Prof. J Woudhuysen Prof. Jeremy Myerson Dr Ranulph Glanville

DDR2 Programme: 28th February 1998

Reception and Coffee: Text Video
DDR2 Convenor: Alec Robertson.
text video
Dr Tom Cassidy,
Director: A&D Graduate Studies
text video
The "Refereed Journal"
Professor Nigel Cross Editor: Design Studies Journal
text video
Publications and the Universities RAE
Professor Martin Woolley, University of London
text video
Market, User Research and Design Practice
Professor James Woudhuysen, Seymour Powel Forecasting, London
text video
Contract Research & Dissemination of Results
Professor Jeremy Myserson, Writer and Researcher for the Design Industry
text ppt
Challenging the Research Paradigm for Design
Dr Ranulph Glanville, Independent Writer & Researcher
text video
PANEL VIEW: (Whole)(60 mins) text video
AUDIENCE VIEW : Part 1 (34 mins same audio as part whole) text video
AUDIENCE VIEW : Part 2 (24 mins same audio as part whole) text video
TRANSCRIPT TEXT (Questions by the Audience with Answers by Panel Members) text video

Please use the following to cite material from Designing Design Research 2.

Designing Design Research 2:The Design Research Publication, at Cyberbridge-4D Design,
www.4d-dynamics.net/DDR2, Editor- Alec Robertson, 26 February 1998.